With a lot of new messages and interest I thought I'd share with you what OT can do for your kiddies.
So occupational therapy isn't about getting or keeping a job. The term occupation is what meaningful tasks full out time. Getting dressed, playing with our children, going for a run....all activities with purpose, meaning and a desired outcome.
For children, the largest and most important occupation is play and interaction. The ways in which we play support our learning as we move through life. From the first games of peekaboo we are able to develop the foundations of social exchange-turn taking, waiting, anticipation and response just like we would in a conversation with someone as an adult.
Those first attempts at chewing a ball we have been given help us exercise limbs, develop coordinated, steady, purposeful movements to meet the end getting our gums around whatever we can to learn from it and about it. In turn learning about the world around us.
That is why my job is so much fun. Paeds OTs play!
We play because that is how children learn, Interact and develop. So if you see me in soft play or hiding in a box when you expect me to have a clipboard - welcome to my office (which is usually your house...) leave your shoes and your adulting at the door because to support children, we have to enter their world which happens to be a lot more fun than a clipboard!
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